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Staying Well whilst Working at Home

With a lot of us working from home nowadays, we find ourselves designing dedicated home office areas in New Build Developers House Types and Private Client Refurbishment projects.

In doing so we think about ergonomics, aesthetics, lighting, air quality, privacy, lighting but more importantly we like to offer alternative advice for wellbeing and mindfulness.

Here are a few tips we can all consider when working from home...


Whatever you are sitting on think about your posture, avoid hunching or stooping. Aim to keep your knees in line with your hips

Screen time

Try to be mindful of the time spent looking into your screen, as well as how close you are to it. Set an alarm for every 30-40 minutes as a reminder to move to a different area of the home and change scenery, or to make a cuppa, go for a walk, water the plants etc

Blue light

Most devices use ‘blue light’ which results in an increase of cortisol. It can take up to 2 hours for our brains to readjust from engaging with blue light, so its suggest switching your devices to ‘night mode’ to help not only our brains, but also our eyes. Blue light filters can be bought if your screen/computer doesn't have it as standard.


Stand up regularly, change position, shake out those shoulders. Walk around, even just to the kitchen, but move. And when you do move, focus on something across the room or outside for 20 seconds, allow the eyes to adjust.

The most important thing of all is just to be mindful...of our environment, how we are interacting with it, how we feel physically and how we are feeling emotionally.

If you are fed up from:- working at the kitchen table, or from the spare room, breakfast bar, or bedroom....please get in touch.

We would love to give you the home office that can increase your wellbeing.


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